Once again we can report a successful Black Orchid Assembly and Banquet.... The Assembly program was well received with talks by a skip tracer and a doctor who has worked in Montenegro. (see photos in the picture gallery)  Jonathan also reported on the Pack's involvement with the world of Chili.  The Banquet's Keynote speaker, noted author and Pack member, Jane Haddam, elicited merry laughter. The Toasts were wonderful, as was the Wolverines' performance of a number of songs for the occasion.  The Nero Award for best mystery was presented to Walter Mosley for Fear Itself. Click here for more information on the award.

Dinner at Café Centro, prepared by Chef Frank Deletrain, was up to Fritz's highest standards.  The standing ovation he received was well earned. We enjoyed it so much that we have scheduled a return engagement for 2005 and hope to have the chef to prepare a Sauce Printemps tasting for us.

The Assembly
The Assembly