Part I: A Corny Quiz
- Each Tuesday between July 20 and October 5, how many ears of corn are delivered from the McLeod farm to the Brownstone?
- How many of these ears does Mr. Wolfe eat?
- The U.S. is the world's leader in production of corn. The five main uses are listed alphabetically. Please rank them in order from greatest to least usage:
_____ Export
_____ Fodder
_____ Fuel
_____ Human consumption
_____ Production of starch, corn oil, sweeteners - Near the end of Chapter 2, Mr. Wolfe says Sue McLeod is either a cockatrice or a witling (a person lacking wit). Which of the following best describes a cockatrice?
_____ A person who has no imagination
_____ A mythical beast with the body of a serpent and the head of a cock
_____ A type of dragon lizard found in Hungary
_____ A bloody-minded fool - The average ear of corn contains approximately how many kernels?
_____ 300 or less
_____ Between 300-400
_____ Between 400-500
_____ Between 500-600
_____ 600 or more - Mr Wolfe says that the best way to cook corn is:
_____ Boil in water
_____ Low and slow roasting in the husk
_____ Roasting in the husk at high temperature
_____ In corn fritters
Part II: Picnic questions:
Questions from Death of a Dude
- Mr. Wolfe and Archie picnicked at Berry Creek. What jewelry was Mr. Wolfe wearing that was worthy of note?
- What did Mr. Wolfe drink?
- When Archie was in jail, Lily sent him a “picnic snack.” It contained 12 food items as well as utensils, etc. Name as many of the 12 foods as you can.
Questions from Please Pass the Guilt - Archie “enjoys” a picnic with a comely female employee of CAN. Name her.
- The picnic is on board a boat, on Long Island Sound. What was the purpose of the trip?
- During lunch, the lady initiates an interesting discussion on words and their origin. The words she selects begin with what two letters?
- What does she drink?
Questions from "Fourth of July Picnic" - While driving Mr. Wolfe and Flora Korby to Culp’s Meadows, what did Archie do to annoy Mr. Wolfe?
- What did Philip Holt promise to do if Mr. Wolfe gave the speech?
- Mr. Wolfe does something very unusual in this story (Archie says it was only the fifth time in his memory) – what is it?
- At the picnic only one food item, and one not a usually associated with a picnic, is mentioned. What is it?
Part III: Cryptograms – by Mark Gorsetman:
Below are ten cryptograms – letter substitution puzzles – each with its own solution. The first five are recurring characters in the Corpus. The second five are the names of Wolfe novels.